
Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Final Project

After two rough last weeks of the semester, a handful of all-nighters and a couple of tears, we're finally finished! It was a time consuming process but in the end seeing all of the work come together really pays off. I'm looking forward to creating the office space above Cafe Forma next semester. Looking back on the last few months, the only thing I would have done differently is manage my time better. More work in the beginning means less all-nighters in the end. Other than that, I am very pleased with the way my project turned out!


  1. Wow, I noticed you did the criteria matrix for some of your process work. Gee wiz, that is awesome, I give you snaps for that man. Your wellness posters are so bight and colorful too!
    Neat title page; nice and simple.

  2. Sarah I give you a lot of credit for doing the criteria matrix it looks good. Your pages are very neat and organized and I like how you used the primary colors on your posters.
